Ten Years Later, Promised Works for the World Cup in Brazil Remain Incomplete

Ten years after the kick-off of the World Cup in Brazil, host cities of the event still have at least 13 urban mobility works that have not been delivered to date.

Of these, six are promises that will never come off the paper, as the projects were abandoned after the tournament, not to mention those that were delivered partially or with significant modifications to the original proposal. With delays, at least 16 works have been delivered in the last decade —the last of them, the duplication of an avenue in Porto Alegre (RS), took place only this year. In comparison, more than 30 works related to mobility, airports, and ports were delivered before the Cup, even if with a few days in advance.

The legacy contrasts with the Responsibility Matrix, a document with the investment commitments assumed by the federal government because of the tournament. R$ 8.7 billion ($ 1.6 billion) wereallocated to road interventions around stadiums and urban mobility —identified as one of the biggest problems faced by the populations of Brazilian metropolises. It was the largest item of the program, about R$ 400 million more than was allocated to the construction and renovation of the arenas.

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