Milei Spares Lula and Delivers a Speech Criticizing Socialism in Brazil

Argentinian President Javier Milei spared Luiz Inácio Lula da Silva (PT) from criticism and opted for a more restrained speech this Sunday (7th) during the CPAC, a conservative conference held in Balneário Camboriú (SC). In a statement read to a crowded audience of right-wing activists, with former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) on stage, Milei spoke about the evils of socialism and denounced the opposition to his economic reforms in Argentina. For Brazilian diplomacy, which had been promising to respond to provocations, the bureaucratic tone of the Argentinian was a relief.

"In the name of social justice, socialists committed atrocities, inventing captive markets for friendly entrepreneurs, violating fundamental rights of some and others," he said. He took the stage like a rock star, waving his arms wildly, but his speech was anticlimactic for those expecting oratory of the same level. Symptomatically, he remained impassive when the crowd chanted "Lula thief, your place is in prison."

The only more direct reference to Brazil was made in passing. At one point, he mentioned "the judicial persecution that our friend Jair Bolsonaro is suffering here," referring to the cases against the former president.

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