University of São Paulo Student who Diverted $180,000 from Graduation Is Convicted of Fraud

USP student Alicia Dudy Muller Veiga, 25, who confessed to diverting nearly R$ 1 million from the graduation fund of her classmates, was convicted of fraud by the São Paulo Justice.

The decision was announced on Tuesday (2), with a sentence set at five years in prison. An appeal is possible.

The case was judged in the 7th Criminal Court of the Capital. Veiga's defense, represented by lawyer Sergio Ricardo Stocco, stated that they were not yet aware of the decision.

In the case files, Judge Paulo Eduardo Balbone Costa also ordered compensation to the victims, in the same amount as the damage caused.

According to the magistrate, the student took advantage of her position as president of the graduation committee to demand that the party organizing company transfer payments to a bank account in her name, omitting the fact from her colleagues, and used the money for her own benefit.

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