Former Americanas CEO Released in Spain, Surrenders Passport

Former CEO of Lojas Americanas Miguel Gutierrez was released by Spanish authorities this Saturday (29) after being arrested by Spanish police in Madrid the day before. He surrendered his passport and will have to report every 15 days.

Gutierrez was one of the targets of a Federal Police operation launched last Thursday (27), investigating fraud that resulted in a R$ 25.2 billion hole in the retailer. Another former executive of the company, Anna Saicali, who was also wanted, had her arrest warrant revoked by the court.

In a statement, the defense of the former CEO said that he is in the Spanish capital, at his home, "at the same address communicated since 2023 to Spanish and Brazilian authorities."

In addition to the investigation for crimes of insider trading, market manipulation, and criminal association, Gutierrez is also under investigation for money laundering.

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