Justice Cármen Lúcia Assumes Brazilian Electoral Court, Promises to Combat Lies and Criticizes Hate

Upon taking office as president of the TSE (Superior Electoral Court), Minister Cármen Lúcia praised the performance of her predecessor, Alexandre de Moraes, against "antidemocrats" in the last election, criticized what she called the "algorithm of hate" and promised a tough fight against fake news.

Cármen stated that lies spread on social networks are a "tyrannical affront against the integrity of democracies."

Her speech was filled with critical terms towards misinformation in the virtual environment and in defense of punishments for those who spread such content. The theme should be a priority during her term in the court's presidency.

"[Lying on social networks] is an instrument of cowards and selfish people," said Cármen.

"The hate algorithm, invisible and present, sits at everyone's table. It is necessary to bear in mind that hate and violence are not free," added the magistrate, with a promise of courage in the Electoral Justice. "There is no salvation for cowardly judges."

The justice stated that the Constitution and the laws of the Republic are being and will continue to be enforced with rigor and impartiality.

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