In 11 Years, 94 Soldiers Die in Training in Brazil, more than Double that in Peace Missions

In Brazil, from January 2013 to December 2023, 94 people died in training sessions for the Army, Navy, and Air Force. The data was obtained by 💥️Folha from the corporations.

Most of the deaths in training (82) occurred in the Army. When contacted, the force stated that "military activity has a risk inherent to its warlike specificity."

The number of deaths in training during the period surpasses the total deaths of Brazilians in peace missions since 1956, when the deployment of military personnel for these actions began. There were 42 people, according to data released by the Ministry of Defense.

Among the deaths since 2013 in the Army, 28 occurred in vehicle accidents; 21 during physical activities; 13 with weapons; eight in drowning activities.

The list also includes deaths from tree falls (1), electric shock (1), and parachuting (1), in addition to nine others not specified.

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