Lula Asks Ministers for Easy and Quick Measures on Fiscal Rebalancing

President Lula asked the economic team to focus on the easiest and quickest measures to solve short-term fiscal problems this year and the 2025 budget project.

In a meeting with the ministers of the JEO (Budget Execution Board), which brings together the heads of the Civil House and the core of the economic area, Lula asked for more information on ways to contain tax expenditures (incentives, benefits, and subsidies) and the potential fiscal impact of expense reviews.

A member of the economic team reported that the president opened the possibility for the government to advance in the spending evaluation agenda such as BPC (Continued Provision Benefit), defeso insurance, unemployment insurance, and Proagro (rural insurance).

This agenda includes measures to review records and faces resistance in the government. The expectation in the economic area is that the discussion can now move more quickly.

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