Four Out of Ten Rape Victims Are Black Children and Adolescents in Brazil

Black children and adolescents represent about 40% of registered rape cases in Brazil, with double the incidence compared to white girls.

This is despite them representing only 13% of the population, according to the 2022 Census.

The data comes from a study by the Insper Center for Racial Studies, based on data from the National Medical Care System of the Ministry of Health.

The study also shows that 6 out of 10 rape records in the country involve girls under 18 and that the proportion of black and brown women of all age groups victims of this type of crime has increased in recent years.

If in 2010, the first year analyzed by the researchers, 3 out of 10 reported rape victims were black children and adolescents, in 2022 (the last year analyzed) the number rose to 4 out of 10.

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