Messages Indicate Bolsonaro Knew About Jewelry Auction, Says Federal Police

Former President Jair Bolsonaro (PL) was aware of the movement to sell a set of jewelry gifted by Saudi Arabia, according to the Federal Police. According to the investigation, the diversion or attempted diversion of gifts received by the Brazilian government targeted assets with a market value totaling R$ 6.8 million. The information is present in the report that supported the indictment of the former president and 11 others in the case.

The document's confidentiality was lifted this Monday (8) by justice Alexandre de Moraes of the Supreme Federal Court (STF). He ordered full access for the lawyers and allowed the Attorney General's Office (PGR) 15 days to review it, as stipulated by the Code of Criminal Procedure. Now, the PGR has 15 days to request more evidence, archive the case, or file a complaint.

In a statement this Monday, Bolsonaro mocked the initial error of the Federal Police regarding the value of the supposed jewelry diversion—the report initially mentioned R$ 25 million, but the corporation later corrected it to R$ 6.8 million. However, the former president did not comment on the evidence showing he was aware of the attempt to sell a rose gold jewelry set.

According to the Federal Police, this is evident from an exchange of messages between him and his former aide-de-camp, Mauro Cid, in which Cid sends a link to an auction, and the ex-president responds "selva" ("jungle" in Portuguese, a common Army greeting equivalent to "ok" or "all good," initially used in Amazon battalions). The Federal Police also reported that during their analysis of Bolsonaro's cell phone, cookies and browsing history from the page of Fortuna Auction, responsible for the auction, were found.

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