Businessman Invests $1.8 Million and Owns 12.5% of Americanas

Inácio de Barros Melo Neto, 44 years old, is the new significant shareholder of Americanas, owning 12.5% of the retailer's shares after ysoke R$10 million ($ 1.8 million) this month. The company has been in judicial recovery since January 2023, after a R$25.3 billion accounting fraud came to light.

A significant shareholder is one who exceeds 5% participation in a company's share capital and therefore ceases to be a minority. Whenever this happens, the company needs to announce the increase in participation to the market. This happened on Friday (12th) when Americanas issued a statement informing that Melo Neto had reached the amount of 113 million ordinary shares, equivalent to 12.52% of the company.

A lawyer and member of a traditional family from Olinda (Pernambuco), he leads educational institutions: he is the director of the Olinda Medical School and the Ecolar School. He says he follows the restructuring process of Americanas and believes the company will recover.

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