Violent Deaths Decrease by 3.4% in Brazil, but Rise in 6 States

Brazil recorded 46,328 intentional violent deaths last year. This figure represents a 3.4% decrease compared to 2022 and a 27.7% reduction compared to 2017, a year that saw a record number of cases.

However, six states ended 2023 contrary to this trend. The indicator, published in the 18th Brazilian Public Security Yearbook, includes intentional homicides, robberies resulting in death, bodily injuries followed by death, and deaths caused by police intervention.

Increases were recorded in Amapá (39.8%), Mato Grosso (8.1%), Pernambuco (6.2%), Mato Grosso do Sul (6.2%), Minas Gerais (3.7%), and Alagoas (1.4%).

Intentional violent deaths, which have been declining since 2017 when there were 64,079 victims, decreased more sharply in 2022 and 2023 compared to the previous period (-0.7%), according to the Brazilian Public Security Forum.

Comparing 2023 with 2017, there were 17,751 fewer violent deaths in the country. This number exceeds the populations of 3,661 Brazilian municipalities and is approximately equivalent to the combined population of the 15 least populous cities in the country.

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