Lula Has an Approval Rating of 36% and 31% Disapprove, Says Datafolha

A Datafolha survey shows that the approval of President Lula's government remained stable compared to the March survey, fluctuating from 35% to 36%.

Those who disapprove of the administration dropped from 33% to 31%, and those who consider it regular went from 30% to 31%.

The negative trend in Lula's evaluation, which had been occurring since the end of 2023, was reversed in the new survey, which marks a year and six months of the third term.

Thus, the technical tie between approval and disapproval in March was replaced by a slight advantage for the PT member.

The turbulence in the economy, with market doubts about the government's fiscal policy, does not reflect the mood of Brazilians — 40% have a positive outlook on the subject, 28% foresee a worsening, and 27% think everything will remain the same.

Despite this, according to Datafolha, 42% think the country's economic situation has worsened and 27% think it has improved.

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