Lula Meets with Fernando Henrique Cardoso in São Paulo and Visits Chomsky and Raduan Nassar

President Lula (PT) met with former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso (PSDB) this Monday (24) in São Paulo. He arrived at the apartment of the former president in the early afternoon. The visit lasted for half an hour. On the same day, Lula also visited linguist Noam Chomsky and writer Raduan Nassar in the capital of São Paulo. FHC turned 93 last Tuesday (18) and received a phone call from the president.

"Today, in São Paulo, I visited four people for whom I have great affection: former president Fernando Henrique Cardoso, linguist Noam Chomsky, journalist Mino Carta, and writer Raduan Nassar," Lula wrote on social media. Last Friday (21), he also met with former president José Sarney (MDB) in Maranhão. Political opponents in other elections, Lula and FHC were on the same side in the 2022 electoral dispute. The former president declared his vote for Lula in the second round, against Jair Bolsonaro (PL).

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