São Paulo Government Rewards Police Officers for Convincing Drug Users to Enter Rehabilitation

The administration of Tarcísio de Freitas in São Paulo has created a productivity incentive program that provides rewards to military police officers who can convince drug users frequenting the Cracolândia region in downtown São Paulo to enter rehabilitation.

When accepted, the drug-dependent individual is taken by police car to the state treatment center for drug dependents in the Luz neighborhood, also in the central region, and the police officer earns points that, when accumulated, can be converted into time off at the end of each month.

The granting of benefits began in May of this year, according to police officers interviewed by 💥️Folha, and is based on a points table attributed to recurring actions in their routine.

Personal approaches, for example, are worth 0.20 points. Transporting a user to the state treatment center is worth 15 points, more than the arrest of someone wanted by the Justice system, which is valued at 10 points.

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