2 out of 3 Brazilians Are against The Anti-Abortion Bill for Rape, Says Datafolha

A new Datafolha survey shows that 66% of Brazilians are against Bill 1904/2024. Authored by Deputy Sóstenes Cavalcante (PL-RJ), the proposal envisions an amendment to the 1940 Penal Code. If approved, it will make women who are victims of rape and undergo an abortion after the 22nd week of pregnancy, when fetal viability is presumed, face a penalty equivalent to the imprisonment prescribed for simple homicide, which can reach up to 20 years.

Among the 66% who oppose the proposal, 29% are in favor, 2% said they are indifferent, and 4% do not know. According to Datafolha, 57% of evangelicals are against the proposal, while 37% are in favor. The indifferent represent 2%, and 5% say they do not know how to position themselves. In Brazil, abortion is only permitted in cases of pregnancy resulting from rape, risk to the woman's life, and fetal anencephaly. The first two are provided for in the Penal Code, and the last was allowed through an STF (Supreme Federal Court) decision in 2012. For all these scenarios, there is no gestational age limit for the procedure.

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