Rio Grande do Sul Opens Temporary City for Flood Victims

The first temporary city for flood victims in Rio Grande do Sul was inaugurated this Thursday (4) in Canoas, in the metropolitan region of Porto Alegre.

Named "Recomeço" (Restart), the CHA (Humanitarian Reception Center) opened by the government of Rio Grande do Sul received its first residents, most from the municipality of Canoas, one of the hardest-hit areas by the tragedy.

There are 126 modular houses installed in an area of 30,000 m². Each house is 17 m² and can accommodate up to five people.

The space prepared to receive 97 families on the first day: 49 from the shelter set up on the campus of Ulbra (Lutheran University of Brazil) and 48 from the Fênix shelter, which will be deactivated.

The maximum capacity of 630 people is expected to be reached by the 15th. Family composition was considered for receiving the first families, taking into account criteria such as the presence of the elderly, pregnant women, and people with disabilities.

The structures are simple, meeting the UN (United Nations) standard for refugees. In Brazil, such shelters were erected in Roraima amid the Venezuelan immigration crisis.

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